Hannah returns to Turnpike for Puss in Boots

Turnpike are excited to announce the return of local theatre stalwart, Hannah Boardman who will be returning to direct this year’s pantomime - Puss In Boots. Hannah is no stranger to the stage having performed in numerous plays, pantomimes and musicals, as well as directing many award nominated productions.

Hannah’s panto debut was with Turnpike many years ago when signing up to help back stage, she ended up on stage as the dame with one hours notice! We are excited to welcome her home. Hannah said, “things look a lot different at turnpike since I was last involved - a change of venue, some new members - but ultimately the group’s ethos and sense of community spirit is as strong as ever and I can’t wait to be back in the Turnpike family.”

Open auditions will be held at the Turnpike Gallery, Leigh on Thursday 27th July and Thursday 3rd August from 8pm. For more details and to register to audition click here.

Turnpike welcomes members old and new to be part of this year’s production which will be performed in late November. Auditionees must be aged 16+ on the date of auditioning.


Puss in Boots Auditions


Puss in Boots Auditions